Make mistakes! I'm not making enough mistakes today. You should always strive to make 2, 3, 4, 1000 x more mistakes then you did the day before. See we learn from making mistakes. There are good mistakes, and bad mistakes. There's mistakes that involve taking action ( Good Mistakes ). Then there are mistakes of procrastination ( Mistake of sloth ). The bad mistake is being afraid of doing anything and repeating the same mistakes you did the day before to keep you where you are today. You see, your best kind of thinking got you where you are today. If you repeat the same kind of thinking you will never grow. You need to push your limits to make yourself grow. When we were born we were perfect, and that's why we are spiritually perfect right now. We need to go back to are child mentality of making mistakes. We were programed during are childhood that making mistakes was bad. How did we learn how to walk? By stumbling and getting back up and learning from are mistakes. How did we learn how to speak? By stumbling and learning from are mistakes. See the more action we took, the closer to success we got. We learn from are mistakes, not are success. I find that learning how to walk was the hardest thing we ever had to do. Everyone who is successful learned how to do this, and so did you. If they can find a way to become successful, so can you. Demanding to the universe to grant you the right answer by asking the right question. Taking ACTION towards your desires. Surrounding yourself with the right people and the right information, is going to sky rocket your success. Applying what they tell you to do is going to help you beyond measure. I strive to make more mistakes then I did the day before, pushing my boundaries. Listening to people you have already succeed. Seeing the grow I achieve with every mistake I make. The more mistakes I make the closer to success I become. You will never have 100% of the facts. You learn by taking action right away, and making mistakes. The more action you take, the closer to success you become. I know that I'm exactly where I must be at right time. I'm taking the right kind of action to get me to my desires. I'm surrounding myself with the right information to go out and live my life by my rules. To go live on the beaches of the world and enjoying my day. I'm making the mistakes I must take to reach these desires, and life style. I know I will become successful and I know you can too. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Hi my names Jonathan Bejba. I'm always looking to grow and become a better person. Achieving my desires every second of the day. Looking to live the life i desire by design. I'm apart of a great program that's getting me towards my desires. CLICK HERE to join. Also I find my success sky rocket by getting my mind right. Visit my blog for more information.
1 Comment
Well said and well written, what i have learned from this article is that we should make a new mistake everyday to learn from it and not the same mistake as we made yesterday, it should not be the mistake of laziness. We should try to do something, get fail in it? Try again.. Again fail? Change approach and try again....
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