ScoreBiggerDating.Com Launch
Hello. Here is where you will find the latest updates regarding our project. If you need to communicate please use the form on the page to send a message. This will help me be much more efficient in handling all of our projects.
Latest Updates
October 26, 2017 (1:36PM)
Hello Malik. I am working on the site. I know my deadline is upon us. i'm working hard on it plus other responsibilities. I really can't take time to talk. Please communicate via this page. It will help alot. I can talk when we go over the first Beta release tomorrow!
Hello Malik. I am working on the site. I know my deadline is upon us. i'm working hard on it plus other responsibilities. I really can't take time to talk. Please communicate via this page. It will help alot. I can talk when we go over the first Beta release tomorrow!